Job Satisfaction Among Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist: A Multigenerational Analysis

  • Lisa Mileto, CRNA, DNP
  • Barbara Penprase RN, PhD, CNOR Oakland University, MI


Popular press coverage has noted that generational diversity exists in the workplace, suggesting strategies for generational harmony and improving job satisfaction.  However, little empirical evidence has linked job satisfaction to generational profiles.  The current nurse anesthesia workforce includes three predominant generations:  Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y.  A quantitative descriptive design was used to compare job satisfaction between generational cohorts of CRNAs in Michigan.  Four hundred and seven respondents completed an online survey (The Nursing Work Index – Revised) as a measure of job satisfaction.  Results indicated that overall, nurse anesthetists have a relatively high job satisfaction across generations.  CRNA job satisfaction scores were impacted by their sense of autonomy, their ability to work with clinically competent peers, working for employers who provide opportunity for advancement and education, and having leadership representation at high administrative levels.  ANOVA revealed no significant differences in job satisfaction scores between the three generations.  Information from this study has implications for surgical teams, patients, hospital administrators, nurse anesthesia leaders and individual CRNAs.  Understanding factors that influence CRNA job satisfaction can enhance the work environment and prove to be beneficial to all generations of CRNAs. 


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How to Cite
MILETO, CRNA, DNP, Lisa; PENPRASE RN, PHD, CNOR, Barbara. Job Satisfaction Among Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist: A Multigenerational Analysis. Anesthesia eJournal, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 1, july 2014. ISSN 2333-2611. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 25 apr. 2024.


Generation; job satisfaction, values; CRNA